Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Discipling (Lane)

Hey guys, sorry for not posting in so long!
     Sometimes as teen guys we can think that we know everything about everything (I should know!). However, you don't, sorry. In many places in the Bible it talks about young men getting wisdom from older men, especially their fathers. You should always be receiving wisdom from older men than you, because they have already experienced what is going on in your life!
    Deuteronomy 6:7 states:
"You shall teach them diligently to your sons
 and shall talk of them when you sit in your house 
and when you walk by the way
and when you lie down
 and when you rise up."
(Speaking of God's commands.)

     You will someday (hopefully!) teach your children all about the word of God and His wisdom. However, you cannot wait for that day to come before you disciple others! Right now, you should be discipling younger children than you! Even just being a Godly example will show them how they are to act! You can be a big influence on someone even in just the way you greet them and treat them.